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Meet Ky

Certified Life Coach & Professional Bestie

Hi, I'm Ky, self-relationship coach and owner of OUJI Co. 


I created OUJI Co. to provide a safe space for people to explore and understand your inner self and develop the right strategies to get the most out of life. I believe that everyone has the potential to live a life that is authentically and truly their own. Self-love, self-compassion, and self-acceptance are essential for living a life of joy and peace.


Our goal is to provide you with the courage to free the weird and embark on an adventure towards true self-discovery. Our mission is to empower you to find the courage to be authentic and true to yourself. 


After all these years I still remember middle school. I still remember all the childhood crap that lead me down a long road of hurt and self destruction. The only change is, now I look back on those times with softness and compassion. 


The road between who I was and who I became was a long one and, if I may say, severely unpleasant. As I am sure no one on their healing journey is a stranger to. Still the result is worth it, understanding yourself on a deeper level, no judgment, with compassion and love.


To grow into who you long to be, we have to start where we are. Not in the past, but right now. That was the lesson my journey lead my to. 


I truly believe that everyone can create the life they love, because I have seen it, and I have lived it. I work with women and men who desire to build a stronger, loving connections with themselves and wish to improve their confidence and mental peace. 


OUJI Co. offers the opportunity to help you understand yourself better, free your weird, and journey inward. Our mission is to empower you to find the courage to be authentic and true to yourself. Join me and learn the skills to take control of your life and create the life you've always wanted.

girl doing yoga in the woods. Happy in nature.
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